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Austė Parulytė                                                  X                                            by austé studio


Architecture and related themes are what draw my attention the most, with the Modernism movement at its very core.


Despite my intellectual (and artistic) playground primarily revolving around cities, with their history, landscapes, and experiences of living in urban environments, I also prioritise spending time in nature. It serves as my most effective 'grounding tool' and generously provides inspiration for my artworks—I often 'borrow' from it shapes, textures, colours, and even materials for my designs & interdisciplinary art.


Some art projects & artworks

In my pursuit of artistic expression, I relish weaving together diverse 'realities' to evoke wonder, curiosity, and introspection. My explorations, observations, and admirations take shape across various mediums, ranging from mixed-media print series and interior design objects to paintings, animated illustrations, and photography series. 


Hide and Seek (I, II, III & IV)

The series “Hide and Seek” (2022) is an ode to brutalism through the lens of light & shadow.

A mixed-media limited edition print series was born after spending a month (in 2022) in ‘Cité Radieuse’ of Le Corbusier in Marseille as a creative resident of ‘Kolektiv Cité Radieuse’.
To observe how the building manifests itself in different social, architectural, urban, cultural, and other layers, I wandered inside and outside the building, mainly following the light - the key to the ‘Cité Radieuse’ brutal aesthetics - which attracts me, comforts my eyes and inspires my hands. The light, always accompanied by a shadow, is like a litmus paper - highlighting and allowing us to enjoy the expressive shapes, textures, materiality, and structure.
Prints could be bought only in Galerie Kolektiv 318 (Marseille, France)


(Re)constructed Modernism: House of Iljinai family

Architecture and urban subjects have been at the center of my creative practice ‘on the paper’ for some years already, so, quite naturally, I have recently (in 2022) felt the need to step out of the 2D plane into the more tangible and tactile the dimensional sphere.

It is reflected in my design object series “(Re)constructed Modernism” through which I seek to interpret modernist buildings which are dear to me for their aesthetics. That is a way for me to reconsider and appreciate those objects.


Vilnius Districts

In 2019 I created a series of graphic illustrations of Vilnius neighbourhoods which got the shape of calendars and prints. The series includes compositions out of symbolic maps of the districts and objects belonging to them. Talking with people who have grown up or currently live in a particular district was the best way to determine what those objects are. They are what comes to mind first when thinking about that particular neighbourhood, what defines them, as well as being the most precious emotionally, culturally, and socially .
In the series you can find 25 Vilnius neighbourhoods: Antakalnis, Baltupiai, Fabijoniškės, Jeruzalė, Justiniškės, Karoliniškės, Lazdynai, Markučiai, Naujamiestis, Naujininkai, Naujoji Vilnia, Paneriai, Pašilaičiai, Pavilnys, Pilaitė, Rasos, Senamiestis, Šeškinė, Šnipiškės, Užupis, Valakampiai, Vilkpedė, Viršuliškės, Žirmūnai, and Žvėrynas .


Ideogram series: Rotterdam, Erasmus Bridge (I, II & III)

My passion for architecture & urban landscapes is revealed in my ideogram series from cities around the world.
What are ideograms? They’re my mixed media artworks where I marry the real-life architecture and other urban objects captured in photography with graphics.
These ideograms were created during my trip to Rotterdam (The Netherlands) in 2019.


City in Red

My passion for architecture & urban landscapes is revealed in my creative practice in various mediums: from photography to linocut.
This linocut was inspired by different city shapes & textures.


Vilnius Impressions Map

Impressions map for my hometown - Vilnius (2021)

Interviews, publications & exhibitions


LRT Opus radio show "Rajonas" | Interview about my home district | interviewer: Donatas Šukelis (2022)

"Neakivaizdinis Vilnius" | Interview about illustrating 25 Vilnius neighbourhoods | interviewer: Miglė Kolinytė (2020)

"Archiforma" magazine | Interview about my artistic relationship with architecture | interviewer: Elena Paleckytė (2022)


Group Risograph Print Exhibition "Vasara" | at The Lithuanian Artists' Association's Gallery / Vokiečių g. 2, Vilnius (2019)

Personal Graphics Exhibition "link" | at Elska Cafe, Vilnius (2019)

Group Poster Exhibition "Nei kartu, nei saldu" | at Paviljonas, Vilnius (2018)


Visual Diary

of Travels

When I'm on the road, my visual diary is a constant companion, allowing me to capture how I feel in and about each specific place. Also, I “steal” some compositions, shapes, textures, colors, and lines which I later “reuse” in my art projects.

Shaping Experiences

Some of My Shaping Experiences

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