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Calendars of Vilnius Districts | Personal project (Austė Parulytė), 2019


Personal project



There you can see two calendars: “Vilnius Districts. The Right Bank of the Neris” and “Vilnius Districts. The Left Bank of the Neris. ”

In 2019, I created a series of graphic illustrations of Vilnius neighborhoods. The series includes compositions of symbolic maps of the districts and objects associated with them. Talking with people who have grown up or currently live in a particular district was the best way to determine what those objects are. These objects are what come to mind first when thinking about that particular neighborhood, defining them and being the most precious emotionally, culturally, and socially.

In the series, you can find 25 Vilnius neighborhoods: Antakalnis, Baltupiai, Fabijoniškės, Jeruzalė, Justiniškės, Karoliniškės, Lazdynai, Markučiai, Naujamiestis, Naujininkai, Naujoji Vilnia, Paneriai, Pašilaičiai, Pavilnys, Pilaitė, Rasos, Senamiestis, Šeškinė, Šnipiškės, Užupis, Valakampiai, Vilkpėdė, Viršuliškės, Žirmūnai, and Žvėrynas.

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